
Landtypes are areas of grazing land with similar soil, vegetation and capacity to produce useful feed. An understanding of landtypes is important when calculating carrying capacity and forage budgets for a property.

Grazing Land Management (GLM) landtypes have been derived for 16 regions in Queensland, being broadly based on major river catchments. Local grazier knowledge has been useful in identifying local landtypes. The GLM landtypes were developed to support grazing land managers to help:

  • identify areas that differ in their capacity to produce forage
  • determine how these differences affect productivity
  • assess management options.

The focus of landtype development was at the paddock and property scale to enable producers to identify areas of land that differ in their capabilities to produce forage, and determine how these differences affect productivity, carrying capacity, and influence management options. It includes both dominant land types and subdominant. Over 100 different landtypes occur in the Burdekin Region.

Landtypes found in the Burdekin Dry Tropics region
BD01, Black basalt BD02, Blackwood scrubs on massive soils BD03, Blackwood scrubs on structured clays BD04, Box and napunyah BD05, Box country
BD06, Brigalow/gidgee scrubs BD08, Clayey alluvials BD09, Downs BD10, Goldfields country – black soils BD11, Goldfields country – red soils
BD12, Lancewood/bendee/rosewood BD13, Loamy alluvials BD14, Narrow-leaved ironbark on deeper soils BD15, Narrow-leaved ironbark on shallow soils BD16, Ranges
BD17, Red basalt BD18, Silver-leaved ironbark BD19, Softwood scrub BD20, Yellowjacket with other eucalypts BD21, Softwood scrub – on hard rock (similar to BD19)
DU01, Box country DU02, Channels and swamps associated with major streams DU03, Coolibah flats DU04, Downs country DU05, Frontage
DU06, Frontal dunes DU07, Hard ironbark country DU08, Ironbark country DU09, Jump-ups DU10, Lakebeds
DU11, Scrubs on deep clays DU12, Scrubs on shallow clays DU13, Yellow jacket country +/- wattles FT01, Alluvial brigalow FT02, Blue gum river red gum flats
FT03, Box flats FT04, Brigalow blackbutt FT05, Brigalow with melanholes FT06, Brigalow with softwood scrub species FT08, Coastal flats with mixed eucalypts on grey clays
FT09, Coastal sand dunes FT10, Coastal tea tree plains FT11, Coolibah floodplains FT12, Cypress pine country FT13, Eucalypts and bloodwood on clays
FT14, Eucalypts and bloodwood on loamy red tablelands FT15, Eucalypt and bloodwood on sandy tablelands FT16, Gum-topped box flats FT17, Lancewood bendee rosewood FT18, Marine plains
FT19, Mountain coolibah woodlands FT20, Narrow-leaved ironbark on ranges FT21, Narrow leaved-ironback with rosewood FT22, Narrow leaved ironbark woodland FT23, Open-downs
FT24, Poplar box with shrubby understorey FT25, Poplar box with ironbark FT26, Poplar box / brigalow / bauhinia FT27, Serpentine ironbark FT28, Silver leaved ironbark on duplex
FT29, Softwood scrub FT30, Spotted gum ridges FT32, Wetlands MGD14, Open alluvia MGD15, Wooded alluvia
MW01, Alluvial flats and plains MW02, Coastal eucalypt forests and woodlands MW03, Coastal rainforests MW05, Coastal wetlands MW06, Eucalypt hills and ranges
MW08, Poplar gum woodlands MW09, Wet highland rainforests NG03, Frontage NG04, Georgetown granites NG05, Lancewood
NG07, Old alluvials NG08, Range soil NG09, Red basalt NG10, Red duplex NG12, Sand ridge
NG15, Vine thickets NG17, Other grasslands NG18, Miscellaneous SG01, Basalt SG02, Bluegrass browntop plains
SG03, Frontage SG04, Gidyea country SG06, Hughenden Rough country SG07, Ironbark SG06, Lancewood
SG09, Open red country SG10, Rough spinifex country SG11, Sandy forest country SG12, Silver leaf box on open red country WT01, Alluvial
WT03, Range soils WT07, White sandy soils WT08, Yellow earths Estuary Sand
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NQ Dry Tropics