People Connections – Delivery & Success Indicators


There is a strong spirit of collaboration within our region, illustrated by the many decision-making forums, and formal and informal partnerships between groups. The plan aims to help strengthen these NRM community connections by facilitating networks that deliver relevant, up-to-date information as well as provide support to undertake sustainable management practices.  Collaboration will help us understand and share the challenges and barriers to change. Empowering the community to make informed NRM decisions is key to the long-term resilience and sustainability of our natural resources.

Objective  1 – A connected and informed regional community is empowered to participate in NRM.


  1. Build on existing networks and create opportunities to make new collaborative connections for training and knowledge exchange among and between:
    • research scientists;
    • landholders;
    • Traditional Owners;
    • natural resource reliant industry;
    • local, state and federal governments;
    • NRM community groups; and
    • regional NRM bodies.
  2. Coordinate NRM research, education, investment and extension to reduce duplication and improve efficiency and effectiveness of delivery.
  3. Develop and maintain strategic NRM partnerships within our region. For example: in addition to parties with common interests in NRM, include parties that have complementary contact with natural resources (such as recreational users – fishers, birdwatchers, bushwalkers) and parties that have greater potential for impacts (such as mining and processing companies).
  4. Support improved communication and collaboration between NRM community groups on project development and delivery. For example: through training and knowledge exchange opportunities to improve group capacity.
  5. Build collaborative networks and partnerships between local councils to share knowledge and establish a consistent approach to leading NRM in urban areas.  For example: hold an annual regional NRM conference to network, share information, identify challenges and partner with regional programmes.
  6. Improve NRM knowledge, skills and experience through education and extension programmes so the community can build capacity to:
    • understand the local environment;
    • understand regional NRM priorities;
    • participate independently in ongoing sustainable management;
    • apply for available funding grants to assist in undertaking sustainable NRM; and
    • make informed NRM decisions.
  7. Acknowledge landholders who undertake successful sustainable NRM activities on their properties that contribute to regional outcomes. For example: rewards and financial incentives for proven stewardship.
  8. Create opportunities for urban and rural communities to network and share information. This will foster a mutual understanding of their respective NRM priorities and challenges, and promote a united approach to tackling them.
  9. Create opportunities for the community to be engaged with scientific research regarding ecological condition and improvement, by participating in monitoring and mapping activities.
  10. Improve and maintain accessibility to NRM knowledge on topics including:
    • innovation and best management practice;
    • new and innovative renewable business opportunities;
    • past, present and predicted information on natural resources;
    • technology and research reports, including local early adopted experiments and research;
    • NRM community groups, projects, activities, proposals and sponsorship opportunities; and
    • current projects and initiatives relating to natural resources in our region.
  11. Engage regional youth through school and extracurricular programmes to promote regional NRM knowledge, planning and practices. For example: Reef Guardian schools and school-based agriculture sustainability programmes.
  12. Deliver education and extension programmes for improving NRM knowledge, skills and experience based on behavioural change approaches that consider the attitudes, barriers and benefits of change to the audience.

Objective  2 – Community priorities and desired actions are reflected in regional NRM decisions.


  1. Build capacity and create opportunities for NRM community groups, landholders and/or representative bodies to participate in regional planning processes such as the:
    • NRM Plan;
    • Conservation Action Plan;
    • Water Quality Improvement Plan;
    • Reef 2050 Plan;
    • Regional Pest Management Strategy;
    • local government planning; and
    • state government planning.
  2. Develop and implement a regional NRM community groups strategy that:
    • facilitates a shared responsibility for a healthy environment;
    • enhances skills and capacity to undertake NRM;
    • builds linkages and relationships to deliver NRM projects;
    • supports participation to provide ongoing feedback;
    • supports succession planning; and
    • contributes to NRM decision making.
  3. Ensure our region’s natural resource data and mapping is updated and accessible to the community, so it can provide the basis for informed NRM decisions.
  4. Create a multi-sector governance group, with sub-regional representation, to represent community NRM interests, provide NRM knowledge and expertise, and support delivery of the NRM plan, including promotion, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement.

Objective  3 – Traditional ecological knowledge is protected and incorporated appropriately in NRM.


  1. Build capacity of Indigenous people to appropriately capture, store and use traditional ecological knowledge in NRM planning and activities.
  2. Identify location names and story places to increase awareness within the wider community.
  3. Share and celebrate cultural traditions through community gatherings and events.

Objective  4 – Traditional Owners have increased opportunities for connecting to country to aid the wellbeing of Indigenous people.


  1. Continue to support implementation of the Caring for Country Plan 2005.
  2. Build Traditional Owners’ NRM capacity through training, employment and developing enterprise.
  3. Support access to country arrangements for areas of the region.
  4. Establish partnerships and joint NRM initiatives between Traditional Owner groups and other organisations.
  5. Develop, update and implement Indigenous land and sea management plans.

Objective  5 – Traditional Owners and Indigenous peoples’ priorities and desired actions are reflected in regional NRM decisions.


  1. Work with the Traditional Owner Management Group (TOMG) to help ensure that Indigenous aspirations and priorities are reflected in regional NRM planning processes such as the:
    • NRM Plan;
    • Conservation Action Plan;
    • Water Quality Improvement Plan;
    • Reef 2050 Plan;
    • Regional Pest Management Strategy;
    • local government planning; and
    • state government planning.
  2. Develop a participation strategy for our region that identifies Indigenous land management in NRM.

Objective  6 – Rural land managers are informed and skilled to make sustainable land management decisions. 


  1. Promote collaboration between the agricultural, financial, environmental, government, research, education and training sectors to develop long-term, region-specific support processes for rural communities. For example: full-time traineeships particularly for rural youth.
  2. Provide land managers with on-site specific information, training and extension that supports best management practices and builds their capacity to ensure a healthy and productive way of life for their business, the community and the natural environment.
  3. Design NRM education and extension programmes and actions to increase the capacity of land managers that:
    • considering their wellbeing and economic pressures;
    • are based on behavioral change approaches that consider their attitudes, benefits and barriers to change; and
    • facilitating development of skills in planning and risk management.
  4. Support the promotion of sustainable land management, which is tailored to the motivations and opportunities of rural communities and links with social services and business planning. For example: succession planning is actively encouraged to ensure farms continue to be managed for productive agricultural land.
  5. Support the viability of rural communities by providing physical and digital infrastructure and services.


By or before 2026 there is:

  • a diverse range of strategic partnerships in delivery of NRM in our region; 
  • improved coordination of NRM investment, extension, education and research in our region;
  • improved accessibility to NRM research and information; 
  • improved capacity of Traditional Owners to participate in NRM; 
  • increased capacity of rural land managers to undertake sustainable land management practices;
  • increased participation in NRM community groups.

NQ Dry Tropics